The green-gold cuppa of good health will work even better when you time it right and have it in proper measure…
Green tea is rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients which provide protection to the body from free radicals. It has the power to improve body metabolism (helping manage the excess kilos!) and strengthen the immune system. It has qualities that support the cardiovascular system. While detoxifying the body, it eliminates stress and anxiety. In short, it is the best of nature packed into one single cup. ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Green Tea Classic also has the added benefits of tulsi, which significantly enhances all these benefits.
To brew your green tea, you just have to place a heaped teaspoonful of green tea or a tea bag in a cup and pour in boiling water. Let it sit for 3-5 minutes, ideally covered, and then slowly sip up. No need to add milk; you may add sugar or any other sweetener if you wish. You will have to double the strength if you’re having it cold. Ideally, 2-3 cups a day are said to provide maximum benefits.
You can drink your green tea any time you like. But there are a few things you must keep in mind before you start brewing. Make sure that there is a gap of at least an hour from the last meal (or/and any medicine you are taking) you had so that there is time for those nutrients to get absorbed properly by your body. Also avoid having it immediately before a meal.
Green tea has caffeine (although in much lesser quantities than black tea and coffee) and tannic acid, which may be harmful to pregnant women. It is also not advisable to drink that cup immediately before you sleep – the caffeine may activate the brain, making it difficult to drift off to sleep. And a thumb rule – don’t pick up a cup of green tea that has been lying around for a while. Stale green tea loses its vitamin and antioxidant properties.